Audio-Technica Strobe Disc AT6180 with Overhang for Cartridge Alignment

- Product Info
- With Overhang from 10mm - 20mm for cartridge stylus alignmentAccurate and easy to use turntable speed checker made by Audio-Technica. To use the Audio-Technica AT6180 Strobe Disc, place it over the spindle of your turntable and turn your turntable on. Then, watch the strobe ring under a normal fluorescent or LED light. It should be easy to see with silver and black markings. Next, adjust the speed control of your turntable until the bands in the ring appear stationary. Your turntable is now rotating at the speed that you selected.
The Audio-Technica AT 6180 uses the Stevenson method for cartridge alignment. The objective is to adjust the cartridge to where its stylus tip lands right on top of the specified Overhang point. To align the cartridge:
- Get the Overhang measurement specified by turntable or tonearm manufacturer.
- Install the cartridge and set it straight on the headshell. Position the cartridge in the middle of the two headshell slots.
- Adjust tracking force to the least specified by cartridge manufacturer.
- The objective is to adjust the cartridge to where its stylus tip lands right on top of the Overhang point.
- Rotate the AT6180 and adjust the placement of the cartridge within the headshell to do so.
- Once achieved, check and adjust tracking force to its optimal or desired value.
- Check the overhang alignment again to make sure it hasn't changed. Adjust if needed.
- Check and adjust tracking force to its optimal or desired value, just to make sure.
- If all's good, tighten the headshell screws.
- Adjust the anti-skating to the same value as the tracking force.
- You're done. Listen and enjoy.Audio Technica AT6180 Strobo Scope Specifications
- Four speed support: 33 1/3, 45 RPM with 50 Hz and 60 Hz markings
- Overhang points (mm) for cartridge stylus alignment: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
- Dimensions: 104 mm diameter (4.095 inches)
- Weight: Approximately 8 g
- Main material: PC