Audio-Technica ATN13EaX stylus

- Product Info
The Audio-Technica ATN-13EaX ATN13EaX needle stylus is the best performance replacement stylus, within the ATN-13Ea, ATN-13EaV, ATN-13EaX styli series for use with the Audio-Technica AT-13Ea, AT-13EaV, AT-13EaX cartridge series. The stylus features a nude elliptical diamond with a .0002 x .0007 inch scanning radii. It offers excellent tracing of record grooves, long playing life and accurate reproduction of voice, music and harmonics. The stylus is made in Japan by Audio-Technica.
Audio-Technica ATN13EaX Stylus Specifications
- Frequency response: 10Hz-30kHz
- Output voltage @ 1kHz, 5cm/sec.: 4.0mV
- Channel balance: 1dB
- Channel separation @ 1kHz: 27dB
- Stylus type: .0002 x .0007 inch nude elliptical
- Cantilever: Tapered
- Tracking force range: 0.75-1.75 g
- Color: Orange
Customer Reviews

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The replacement needles have always been satisfactory and of good quality. Highly Recommended”