Audio-Technica ATN95E stylus
● Audio-Technica ATN95E stylus specified for AT95E cartridge
● Restores cartridge to its original factory specifications
● Elliptical diamond tip for excellent tracing accuracy
● Diamond tip r/R radii: 10 × 18 µm (.0004 × .0007 inch)
● Made in Japan for highest fidelity and sound quality
● Genuine, 100% authentic Audio-Technica® stylus

- Product Info
- Genuine, original 100% authentic stylus by Audio-TechnicaThe Audio-Technica ATN95E ATN-95E needle stylus features a highly polished elliptical diamond with a .0004 x .0007 inch radii bonded to a metal alloy cantilever. It offers excellent tracking and tracing of record grooves and results in extraordinary sound quality. The stylus is made in Japan by Audio-Technica.
Upgrade Stylus Replacements
- Upgrade stylus: CARBON FIDELITY CFN95SE stylus
- Superior stylus: LP Gear ATN95VL Stylus
- Ultimate stylus: LP Gear ATN95SA Stylus