LP Gear stylus for Empire 2001 MK I cartridge

LP Gear stylus for Empire 2001 MK I cartridge

Excellent stylus replacement for Empire 2001 MK I cartridge
Made in Japan for highest fidelity and sound quality
Special elliptical diamond for tracing accuracy
Diamond tip r/R radii: 8 × 18 µm (.0003 × .0007 inch)
Special aluminum alloy cantilever for firm and sensitive response to grooves
Genuine, unsurpassed 100% original LP GEAR® stylus


LP Gear stylus for Empire 2001 MK I cartridge

Code: EMPS2001MKI

Higher Fidelity Stylus Upgrade: See Related Products.
Product Info


The LP Gear stylus for the Empire 2001MKI phono cartridge features a highly polished special elliptical diamond with .0003 x .0007 inch scanning radii mounted on a thin-wall alloy tube. It offers excellent tracing characteristics, natural tonal balance and very accurate reproduction of voice and music.

Upgrade Options
- For upgrade stylus and accessories that enhance sound quality and fidelity, refer to Related Products.

Customer Reviews

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Verified Buyer
“Great value”
A Good Value
June 8, 2021 by David (United States)
“I switched out the stylus with the LP Gear purchase and the sound quality improved dramatically.”
Why LP Gear?
LP Gear was one of the few places to purchase this particular stylus.
Verified Buyer
“Great buy”
April 29, 2021 by Joshua
“Works perfectly”