Goldring 2500 phono cartridge
"This cartridge held our attention pretty much from the start and, by doing right just about everything required of it, gets top marks." (Footnote 1.)
● Music packed with detail- full bodied combination of crisp treble, naturally expressive midrange and tight bass
● Vocals offer warmth and emotion
● Sound quality (SQ) and performance beyond current production competition
● Metal-bodied 2500 cartridge easy to fit, set up and align
● Awarded Five stars by What HiFi.

- Product Info
The Goldring 2500 cartridge is a very special cartridge. It is designed for use on the finest turntables where a high output moving magnet cartridge is required. The tapered cantilever with 2SD diamond gives a smooth but detailed sound, while the metal body delivers fine bass definition.
Goldring 2500 Phono Cartridge Specifications
- Mounting: ½ inch (12.7 mm)
- Channel balance: 2dB @ 1kHz
- Channel separation: >20dB @ 1kHz
- Output voltage: 6.5mV±1.5dB, 1kHz @ 5 cm/sec
- Static compliance: 20x
- Vertical tracking angle: 24°
- Stylus radius: 2SD
- Stylus type: Replaceable, Goldring GL2500 stylus
- Load resistance: 47k ohms
- Load capacitance: 100 - 200 pf
- Internal inductance: 720 mH
- Internal resistance: 550 ohms
- Weight: 8.2 g
- Tracking force range: 1.5 - 2.0 g (1.7 g nominal)
Footnote 1: See full context and more comments at Goldring 2500 review.