Grado Platinum3 phono cartridge - 4.0 mV output
"Grado's wood-bodied Timbre Series Platinum3 moving iron cartridge— as a poor man's Koetsu because in my system, and in a friend's,
it produces lush, spacious, color-saturated sound" (footnote 1)
"If your system leans toward dry or gray sounding, Grado's Platinum3 could be a great alleviative. If your taste in music runs toward
acoustic jazz, ambient, or classical, the Platinum3 could save you from spending $4000 on a fancy-pants MC. It's that good." (footnote 2)

- Product Info
The Platinum3 is the second level product within Grado's Timbre Series, which starts with the $300 Opus3, next the $400 Platinum3, $600 Sonata3, $1000 Master3, and $1500 Reference3. The Platinum3 is offered in high (4mV) or low (1mV) output, with a mono version at both output levels. While the Master3 and Reference3 cartridges are fitted with boron cantilevers, the Opus3 and Platinum3 use an aluminum tube, which Grado describes as a modified version of their four-piece OTL cantilever technology. All Timbre Series cartridges use ultrahigh-purity long crystal (UHPLC) oxygen-free copper wire in the coils.
If you are a prudent listener seeking the best value for your purchase, the Platinum3 will give you peace of mind and pocketbook satisfaction that you have a darn great deal of discernment with this cartridge. You can spend so much more but not get a more musically satisfying exeprience.____________________________________
Footnote 1: Herb Reichert, "Gramophone Dreams #67: Grado Platinum3 and Goldring Eroica H phono cartridges; Herbie's Way Excellent II turntable mat", Stereophile, Nov 22, 2022..
Footnote 2: Reichert, Gramophone Dreams #67, 2.
- Specifications
- Grado Platinum3 phono cartridge - 4.0 mV output Specifications
- Body: Australian Jarrah Wood
- Cantileaver: Aluminum / Elliptical Diamond
- Output: High 4.0mV @5 CMV
- Inductance:High Output 55mH
- Resistance: High Output 660 ohms
- Input Load: 10k-47k ohms
- Cartridge Weight: 9 grams
- Tracking Force: 1.6-1.9 grams
- Compliance 20μm/mN
- Channel Separation: Average 30db - 10-30k Hz
- Controlled Frequency Response: 10-60 KHz
- Non-Sensative to Capacitive Load
- Build: High Output