Graham Slee Enigma Micro Signal power supply

- Product Info
Originally designed for the Accession MC, it was also found to bring out an audible improvement with the Majestic Pre/DAC, It has since, also found favor with users of some of our other phono stages..
"Testing the Enigma power supply with the Accession M and the Reflex M showed the same improvements, as did the Elevator EXP head amp"
- Paul Szabady, Stereo TimesThus, the decision to allow its purchase option wth these products, so others may be able to enjoy more pristine sond quality..
Perhaps stating the obvious, but what you hear from any amplifier or preamp is because current flows from a power supply and then back to it. Basic understanding sees that It leaves by one terminal and returns to another.
Thanks to Kirchhoff's scientific current laws and the law of conservation of energy we can see current leaves from its origin somewhere in the power supply and has to get back to that origin. Signal current, no matter how well it is treated by the phono stage, must negotiate the inner workings of the power supply. Knowing that origin and how it gets back to it is crucial in understanding how best the micro-signal current returns to its origin with the least possible disturbance.
The Enigma solution was to lower the dissipation factor, improving dielectric absorption (similar to PTFE and polypropylene) for greater frequency stability such that all frequencies of signal current are treated more equally. And additionally: fine tuning its Kelvin paths and giving it a new DC cord and lockable outlet.
The result is greater clarity particularly when using the Accession MC phono stage. n fact it's like getting the improvement the standard issue Accession MC provides, all over again. Dropping dissipation factor also increased ripple current handling by 35%, and when tried with the more current hungry Majestic Pre/DAC, a significant improvement to the solidity of the sound was evident.
Dealers as well as early adopters of the PSU1-Enigma have found subjective improvements with our other products too.