AIN3600SLC stylus
● Flagship limited production AIN3600SLC stylus for Audio-Technica AT3600L cartridge
● Handcrafted by master Japanese shokunin seeking to create perfection with each stylus
● Ultimate Sound quality (SQ) and performance beyond any stylus replacement!
● Special Line Contact (SLC) diamond tip fastened to a custom alloy cantilever
● Tracking force: 2.5 - 3.5g | Output voltage: 4.25 mV
● Each stylus undergoes QC and listening test as final inspection
● LP GEAR® stylus - Above and beyond copies, types, originals, and generics

- Product Info
- Lifts the sound quality of the the AT3600L to its highest level and music articulation. Music that makes you want to listen®.Cultural Icon of the Turntable Renaissance
Introduced in the 1970's (~ 50 years ago), the Audio-Technica AT3600L gained notoriety as a throwaway cartridge, a reputation it received as it was factory fitted to the least expensive turntables of that era, a practice that continues even today! In 2000, LP Gear experimented with it and found that its sound quality could be improved with the installation of higher quality styli, which LP Gear introduced with finely crafted Japanese models. Rega followed and raised the status of the AT3600L with the introduction of the Rega Carbon cartridge and Rega Carbon stylus. Not to be outdone, LP Gear released in 2015 the highly esteemed Carbon Fidelity CF3600LE cartridge with its special elliptical CFN3600LE stylus. Stereophile rates the CF3600LE cartridge as a Class C Recommended Component — In the same class as the Ortofon 2M Black ($695), Denon DL103 ($349), Ortofon 2M Blue ($239), and Audio-Technica AT-VM95C, E, H, ML & SH (up to $199).With ten million estimated former and present users, it has achieved significance and influence as a cultural icon of the turntable renaissance and the 2000s.
For Forever Enjoyment
At LP GEAR®, our philosophy runs counter to conventional wisdom. We believe that the AT3600 should offer multigenerational lifetimes of enjoyment or much longer like the Guarneri violin. Older than the USA — 273 years old to be exact, the Vieuxtemps Guarneri Del Gesu-1741 named for its most famous owner the leading Belgian virtuoso and composer who esteemed it so much he wanted to be buried with it, recently became the most expensive violin in the world, selling for an estimated $16 million. Its new owner anonymously donated the historic instrument to violinist Anne Akiko Meyers, on loan for the rest of her life.Thus we curated this cartridge as celebration and esteem for the historic Audio-Technica AT3600L cartridge; so devoted and new owners will continue to hear this gem at its best for lifetimes to come. It is a lofty goal — we believe its new soul transcends its original self. It has incredible chemistry and emotion with vinyl playing that connects, is heard, felt and enjoyed!
Aligned to music listeners with an abundance and growth mindset, seeking to be the best they can be, the AIN3600SLC is LP Gear's Limited production Artificial Intelligence (AI) Special Line Contact replacement for the Audio-Technica ATN3600L stylus and its many variants. Using stringently selected materials and handcrafted to physical, mental, and spiritual perfection by Japanese shukonin, each stylus divines the grooves with ultimate precision and intimacy. It delivers celestial sound quality formerly the firmament of exorbitant MM and MC cartridges.