LP Gear stylus for Pickering XSV/3000 cartridge

LP Gear stylus for Pickering XSV/3000 cartridge

"Good reviews from others on forums and in groups that have used LP Gear products. Only supplier of stylus for Pickering XSV3000 cartridge that has good reputation."
- Ken, Verified buyer

Exquisite transparency, detail and clarity
ViVid Line Contact diamond for excellent tracing accuracy
Diamond tip r/R radii: 6/75 µm (.0002 x .0030 inch)
Special alloy cantilever for firm and consistent groove contact
Tracking force: 0.75 and 1.5 grams
Genuine, unsurpassed 100% original LP GEAR® stylus


LP Gear stylus for Pickering XSV/3000 cartridge

Code: PICKSXSV3000

Product Info


The LP Gear replacement for the Pickering D-3000 D3000 stylus is used with the Pickering XSV/3000 XSV 3000 phono cartridge. The stylus features a highly polished Vivid Line diamond bonded to a narrow aluminum alloy cantilever tube for superior tracing of record grooves, excellent rendition of voice and music and harmonically complete sound quality.

Pickering recommends checking the stylus after every 250 to 300 hours of record playing time. The consequence of using a worn or damaged stylus is irreparable harm to your record collection, so do replace the stylus if necessary.

- Stylus description: Stereohedron
- Tracking force: 1gram ± ½ , ¼
- Frequency response: 10-30,000 Hz
- Output voltage: 4.7 mV
- Channel separation: 35 dB @ 1kHz
- Inductance each channel: 350 mH
- Resistance each channel: 700 omhs
- Replacement stylus: D3000
- Output voltage: 4.7 mV
- Recommended capactance: 275 pF

Customer Reviews

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Verified Buyer
“Great ”
October 26, 2024 by Luis (United States)
Why LP Gear?
The best
Product Choice
Verified Buyer
“Great buy”
August 3, 2024 by scott (United States)
“Thanks just what I needed”
Verified Buyer
“Great value”
Great Pickering D3000 Replacement!
June 10, 2024 by Ken (Tennessee, United States)
“As good a replacement for the original D3000 stylus for the Pickering XSV3000 cartridge as you're likely to find in my opinion. My listening test assessments show it to sound virtually identical to the original Pickering stylus I have. Additionally, macro photos of both stylii show it to be very similar.”
Why LP Gear?
Good reviews from others on forums and in groups that have used LP Gear products. Only supplier of stylus for Pickering XSV3000 cartridge that has good reputation.
Product Choice
Original stylus for Pickering XSV3000 cartridge in new condition is impossible to find and/or ridiculously expensive. This stylus replacement seems to be the best option.
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