LP Gear ViVid Line upgrade Shure 8X stylus | R8X stylus

LP Gear ViVid Line upgrade Shure 8X stylus | R8X stylus

Vivid Line significant upgrade for Shure 8X / R8X stylus
Excellent accuracy, fidelity and sound quality
Diamond tip r/R radii: 6/75 µm (.0002 × .0030 inch)
Custom alloy cantilever to bring out subtleties and nuances
Made in Japan by select artisans, in the tradition of Shokunin
Genuine, unsurpassed, LP GEAR® stylus for exceptional sound quality


LP Gear ViVid Line upgrade Shure 8X stylus | R8X stylus


Product Info


The LP Gear replacement for the Shure 8X / Realistic R8X needle stylus is used with all Shure R25 phono cartridges. The stylus features a Vivid Line diamond tip for extraordinary harmonic accuracy, superior detail and pristine clarity across the frequency spectrum. The stylus is made in Japan by a world-class manufacturer with a reputation for crafting musically excellent and high-quality replacement styli.

Upgrade Options
- For alternative stylus and accessories that enhance sound quality and fidelity, refer to Related Products.

Customer Reviews

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Verified Buyer
“Great buy”
Sounds great!
April 30, 2021 by David
“Sounds great!”
Verified Buyer
“Great ”
Upgade is well worth the money.
April 11, 2020 by Timothy (United States)
“Wow what a great stylus. The upgraded replacement for the 8x is far superior to the original Shure 8x. This upgrade is well worth the money. Fantastic Sound. You wont be disappointed.”
Why LP Gear?
Bought stylus before
Product Choice
old stylus old and wore out.
Verified Buyer
“Great buy”
August 6, 2019 by Finn
“Purchased as a replacement stylus for a Realistic Lab 440 turntable that I recently acquired. Easily slotted in and sounds very good.”