Stanton 505.V3 cartridge

- Product Info
The new Stanton 505.V3 is the best budget-priced scratching cartridge available today. The super sturdy stylus has been coupled with the most pumped-up output for the deepest bottom and in-your-face sound. The Stanton 505.V3 is perfect for hip-hop/scratch DJs, consumers, record shops, and beginner DJs.
Stanton 505.V3 Cartridge Specifications
- Frequency response: 20Hz-17kHz
- Output voltage @ 1kHz,5cm/sec: 6mV
- Channel balance @ 1kHz: within 2dB
- Channel separation @ 1kHz: 27dB
- Tracking force: 2 - 5 g
- Stylus tip: Highly polished 0.7 mil, spherical
- DC Resistance: 535 ohms
- Inductance: 400 mH
- Weight: 5.5 g
- Tracking ability: 80µ @ 3 g
- Load resistance: 47k ohms
- Load capacitance: 275 pF
Stylus Replacements
- Standard stylus: Stanton N505 or D5100ALII
- Upgrade stylus: LP Gear N505E
- Upgrade stylus for High Fidelity listening: Stanton D71EE