LP Gear stylus for Sony PS-J20 turntable
● Finest quality CN-234 stylus specified for Sony PS-J20 turntable
● Conical diamond tip for good fidelity and long playing life
● .0006 inch radius for tracing accuracy and reduced record wear
● Special alloy cantilever for firm and responsive contact with LP grooves
● Made in Japan by eminent cartridge and stylus manufacturer

- Product Info
The Sony PS-J20 PS J20 PSJ20 turntable was fitted with a Sony phono cartridge and a Sony CN-234 CN234 needle stylus. A photo of the stylus replacement is supplied above. The stylus features a conical diamond for long playing life and good rendition of voice and music. The color of the stylus varies. Please verify and use this as a guide only since the cartridge and stylus may have been changed through the years.
Upgrade Options
- For upgrade stylus and accessories that enhance sound quality and fidelity, refer to Related Products.
Customer Reviews

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The replacement needles have always been satisfactory and of good quality. Highly Recommended”