The Vessel A3SS cartridge

- Product Info
- Much more than music.The creative brief for The Vessel™ cartridge series is simple: "Allow the artist to express his music with its amalgam of contradiction as it is elevates and transcends with the natural and artificial interpretation of the human art."
The wonderfully disruptive A3SS exceeds in extracting and conveying sentience™ — the energy beyond hearing, beyond listening hiding in the grooves of your favorite LPs. The A3SS delivers more information with an appealing, engaging, natural presentation that direct-connects you to your music. It's warm and inviting, the totality of the musical experience that's more than the sum of its parts. The Vessels present the totality of the musical experience - its direct, angular, spatial and reflective acoustic - enabling shape consistency, depth, and the emotional content is finally revealed.
The A3SS's generous, organic and natural Full Spectra Sound complements any type of music you favor. The beautiful, natural tonal balance and richly harmonic presentation capture the body, heart and soul of music. More than just the sound, The Vessel cartridge communicates the emotional content in the groove. You'll hear it, you'll feel it and experience it as music is expressed with elegance and grace. Its Super Shibata stylus delivers complex texture and dynamism with stellar liquidity and transparency. 1
The Vessel A3SS Cartridge Specifications
- Type: Moving Magnet
- Frequency range: 20-30,000 Hz
- Output voltage @ 1kHz: 2.5 mV
- Channel balance @ 1kHz: <1.0dB
- Channel separation @ 1kHz: 23dB
- Dynamic compliance (100Hz): 10 × 10-6 cm/dyne
- Tracking ability at 2.0g : 70 µm
- Cantilever: Special type aluminum pipe
- Stylus type: Nude Super Shibata
- Stylus tip radius: .00016 x .0028 inch
- Tracking force: 2.0 g
- Internal impedance @ 1kHz: 670 ohms
- Internal inductance: 270 mH
- Recommended load resistance: 47 kOhm
- Recommended load capacitance: 100-300pF
- Cartridge color, body/stylus: Black/Gold/Green
- Weight: 6.0 g
- Mounting hardware included: 4 × Screws, 2 × Nuts
- Stylus replacement: A3SS stylus____________________________________
Footnote 1: Full Spectra Sound and sentience are best experienced with a high resolution system. LP Gear Music listening equipment: Graham Slee Reflex M phono preamp, Graham Slee Elevator EXP headamp, Denon AU-300LC Step-up transformer, Graham Slee Proprius mono amps, Odyssey Kismet amp, Quicksilver Silver 88 mono amps, Roadrunner Digital Turntable Tachometer, Sota Sapphire turntable, Audience SE Phono Cable, Audience Ohno speaker cables, Rogers LS3/5A speakers, Audience ClairAudient 1+1 Loudspeakers, Krell LAT 2 speakers, Yamaha NS1000M speakers, LP Gear CF3600LE cartridge, Ortofon 2M Red cartridge, Ortofon 2M Blue cartridge, Ortofon 2M Bronze cartridge, Rega Carbon, Supex SD 901 Super cartridge, Denon DL-103 cartridge, Denon DL-110 cartridge, Grace F-9E cartridge.