LP GEAR EXCEED upgrade stylus replacement for ITNP-Y2 stylus
● Finest quality longer-playing stylus for Victrola poratble suitacse turntables.
● Single Exceed stylus last 4 times the 3-pack Victrola ITNP-Y2 sapphire/ruby tip stylus
● Conical diamond tip for good fidelity and long playing life
● .0007 inch radius for tracing accuracy and reduced record wear
● High strength ABS cantilever for firm and sensitive response to grooves
● Made in Japan by world-class stylus manufacturer
● LP GEAR® stylus - Above and beyond copies and generics

- Product Info
LP GEAR EXCEED REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGE FOR VICTROLA ITNP-Y2 stylus 3 Pack - a single Exceed replacement stylus lasts two - three times the playing life of the 3 PACK VICTROLA ITNP-Y2 stylus used for Victrola Portable Suitacse record players.
The Victrola ITNP-LC1 comes in a pack of three (3) sapphire needles. One LP GEAR diamond-tipped Exceed replacement stylus lasts two - three times the playing life of the 3 PACK VICTROLA ITNP-Y2 styli. The stylus fits the following models: VSC-550, VSC-550BT, VSS-990BT, ITVS-550 & ITVS-550BT (All colors (All Colors).
Upgrade Options
- For upgrades and essentials that enhance sound quality and fidelity, refer to Related Products.