Replacement for Shure RS E stylus (original yellow color)
● Special elliptical diamond for very high fidelity
● .0003 x .0007 inch radii for precision tracing accuracy
● Precision engineered and exquisitely crafted in Japan
● Genuine, 100% authentic LP GEAR® stylus

- Product Info
Often used with the Realistic R27E, the LP Gear replacement for the Realistic Shure RS E RS-E stylus features a highly polished special elliptical diamond for precision tracing of record grooves, very fine detail, pristine accuracy and natural rendition of voice and music. The Shure RS E needle stylus was discontinued decades ago hence the new replacement. The RS E is used with the Radio Shack R27E and R27ED, Shure M71, M74, M75, M90 and M91 series cartridges and other Radio Shack Realistic Shure styli of similar profile.
For a stylus replacement that offers improved sound quality and performance, refer to the Related Products